The Neve 8078 Console used on Bordertown Conspiracy tracking sessions was once owned by Motown L.A. Studios, and before that by Donald Fagen of Steely Dan. The Aja album was mixed on this console, along with many other famous records.

Don Vito Corleone's desk on display from "The Godfather", at the Coppola Winery museum, Napa-Sonoma, CA

Infrared photography techniques used by Sarah Jones took this image of the tufa formations at Mono Lake, CA and the ancient bristlecone pine photos used as artwork for the Twist Top Cabaret album.

A couple of incredible books that are must reads for any musician or true music fan. Great insight on the lives of these
amazing songwriters and guitarists who have led extraordinary lives. Highly reccomended!
The Bristle Cone Pines at the top of the White Mountains in California are the oldest living things in the world. Some of them have been growing there for nearly 4,000 years.

Peter Frampton at the NAMM Show TEC Awards 20??) He's returning to play an event at 2025's NAMM